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[Notice] ACH Releases e-Catalogues for 3 Special Exhibitions

  • Writer ACH
  • Date Feb 25, 2019

The ASEAN Culture House (ACH) has released the catalogues 

for three of its past special exhibitions in e-book format.


The catalogues can be accessed through both the ACH homepage and the KF archive.


List of catalogues available as an e-book*

1. Inaugural Exhibition of the ACH – “Celebrating the Beauty of Marriage”

2. ACH Special Exhibition in Celebration of the First Anniversary of its Opening – “Colors of Asia, Revisited”

3. ASEAN Seen Through Traditional Leisure Activities –  Playful ASEAN”

*Due to copyright issues, we are unable to release e-catalogues for the “ASEAN People ASEAN Lives” and “ASEAN in Korea, Korea in ASEAN” special exhibitions.


How to access the e-books

1. Through the ACH website

: ACH PROGRAMS -> Special Exhibition -> Check the “Special Exhibition” box -> Click on your e-book of choice


2. Through the KF archive

: Visit the KF website (www.kf.or.kr) -> Check the “Digital Archive” tab located on the right side -> Click on the “e-Book” tab -> Select “기타” from the dropdown menu -> Click on your e-book of choice