
국민과 함께 세계와 소통하는 한국국제교류재단KOREA FOUNDATION

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[Application Finished] 'Magical ASEAN: Cambodia Circus&Thai Mime'

  • Writer ACH
  • Date Apr 25, 2019


"Magical ASEAN: Cambodian Circus and Thai Mime" application is finished.

Thank you for your attention and participation.






Celebrating the Family Month of May, the ASEAN Culture House hosts

       exciting circus and mime performances in cooperation with the Ansan Cultural Foundation, the organizer of the Ansan Street Arts Festival. 


Featured artist groups are "Babymime", a trio of young Thai pantomimists, and

"Phare, the Cambodian Circus", composed of young graduates of a circus and performing arts school of Cambodia founded in 1994 to heal refugees and children. 


The ASEAN Culture House looks forward to your interest and participation 

in the forthcoming events that will introduce a new face of ASEAN.  


**The Application Link for this event will be available on April 25, 2pm.

through the ACH Programs tab in this website. 

We'll wait for your active participation for this interesting event.