
국민과 함께 세계와 소통하는 한국국제교류재단KOREA FOUNDATION

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ASEAN Street Food: Hororok Chopchop Omulomul

  • Writer 관리자
  • DateJun 08, 2021
  • Views206

The exhibition “Hororok Chopchop Omulomul’features contemporary artists from Korea and Thailand, on the theme of ASEANStreet Food. The five participating artist teams from Korea were asked tore-interpret the ASEAN street food from the Korean perspective, and haved artworks ranging across various genres including installation, media,soundscape, and more. Each artwork displayed within its section of the gallerymakes it feel like one is walking across the street market and remind people tothink of their own experience related to the ASEAN Street food.


The exhibition, as a whole, will provide acomprehensive view of the ASEAN street food, which encompasses both culturaland social aspects. At the same time, it aims to offer a special opportunity torevisit the audience's memory of the ASEAN street food, especially during theperiod where cross-border travel is restricted due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


Participating Artist: Gu Minja, Rho Jae Oon, SutthiratSupaparinya, Jeon Minje, Kim Kim Gallery, Hong Chosun