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Korean War Veterans from ASEAN - 2020 Busan UN Week, Pop-Up Exhibition Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Korean War

  • Writer 관리자
  • DateJun 09, 2021
  • Views323

In celebration of 2020 Busan UN Week (October 23–November 11, 2020), the ASEAN Culture House offers this opportunity to reflect on memories of the Korean War, which began 70 years ago. 

During the conflict, support was offered by the United Nations Forces, which included countries from ASEAN. This pop-up exhibition features the memories of war veterans from the Philippines and Thailand, actions of gratitude by the Korean people and government, and records of history through a variety of audiovisual resources including photographs and other images. 

The lives and memories of these Korean War veterans are testimony to the deep-rooted diplomatic friendship between ASEAN and Korea; they were willing to devote themselves to freedom and peace on the Korean peninsula in the face of tremendous danger and despite different climate conditions, languages, and cultures. 

We hope this exhibition containing their voices serves as confirmation of the continued development between ASEAN and Korea of a solid friendship based on an enduring gratitude.

 - Supported by: Busan Metropolitan City, Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines, Royal Thai Embassy

 - With Cooperation from: Korean Culture and Information Service, The War Memorial of Korea, Korea JoongAng Daily