
국민과 함께 세계와 소통하는 한국국제교류재단KOREA FOUNDATION

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Light of ASEAN, One Community and Harmony

  • Writer 관리자
  • DateJun 09, 2021
  • Views329

The ASEAN Culture House (ACH), operated by the Korea Foundation (KF), is pleased to host the special exhibition Light of ASEAN, One Community and Harmony, first held at the Asia Culture Center in Gwangju from October 17November 17, 2019 in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of ASEAN-ROK dialogue relations.


This exhibition is the first joint project between the ACH and the Asia Culture Institute (ACI, Gwangju) since the two institutions signed a memorandum of understanding to establish a comprehensive mutually cooperative relationship.


The kinetic media artworks Breeze Fire and Mysterious Fire, produced by media artist group SILO Lab, have motifs based on aspects of ASEAN culture related to light. Breeze Fire presents lanterns flying into the sky and shining light onto the surface of a river. Mysterious Fire is made of about 270 incandescent bulbs and projects images symbolizing ASEAN through the slow ignition and disappearance of these analog lights.


Light casts out darkness and allows for the world to be seen clearly; it has carried implications of hopes and dreams across the globe and throughout time, from ancient days up through the present. You will be able to read a yearning for peace and harmony between Korea and ASEAN in the rising lights and flashing incandescent bulbs on display.