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ASEAN Animals: Depictions of Animals in ASEAN Arts & Cultures

  • Writer 관리자
  • DateJul 21, 2021
  • Views314

2021 ASEAN Culture House’s special exhibition ASEAN Animals: Depictions of Animals in ASEAN Arts & Cultures draws attention to depictions of animals in the arts and cultures of the ASEAN region, starting with an exploration of each member state’s symbolic animals and the values associated with them.

The close, everyday bonds forged between ASEAN peoples, who have long maintained agricultural societies, with animals such as chickens, water buffaloes, and elephants remain strong today.

Stories about personified, deified, and imaginary or mythical animals are found throughout the many legends and folk tales of traditional ASEAN cultures. 

Through the records and audiovisual materials on display, we hope visitors can learn more about the friendships that existed between ASEAN peoples and animals.

The animal depictions on this exhibition’s diverse artifacts and artworks offer a glimpse of the fascinating world of ASEAN imagination.