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Understanding ASEAN: Review of Special Job Training Session


Understanding ASEAN: Review of Special Job Training Session
Kim Yu-bin, Teacher, Namhae Elementary School

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When I first saw the title of the session, “Understanding ASEAN,” I considered ASEAN as just several countries in Asia. Although I had an interest and affection for Southeast Asian countries, when I tried to learn more about them, it was not easy to obtain quality information online. I joined this session to fulfill that need, and it has indeed quenched my thirst for understanding more about this rich and varied region of the world.

The three-day training consisted of theory and experience classes that deepened my familiarity with Southeast Asia, and provided ample time to think about how to apply this knowledge to elementary school classes. The training lasted all-day, but it was fascinating and without a single dull moment. The classes covered the general history, culture, film, and music of Southeast Asia, which helped me construct a vivid mental image of the region, piece by piece. In addition to theory classes, visiting the ASEAN Culture House and trying out hands-on cultural activities, such as Laorattan crafts and Indonesian cooking, greatly added to my satisfaction. It was such a fun, eye-popping experience, and I imagined how exciting it would be for children. On the last day, Ms. Park So-hyun’s lecture presented various materials and perspectives for teaching children about ASEAN. Though my educational journey started from a casual personal interest, the session ultimately motivated me as an elementary school teacher to continuously learn new skills, seek out new experiences, and share the insights I gain with my students.

“One can understand only what one knows.” This common Korean phrase is meaningful to me and one that I try to remember. While I didn’t become an ASEAN expert after such a short period of time, the training has afforded me a route beyond conventional stereotypes and my first glimpse into the distinct inner character of each ASEAN country. In turn, I plan to guide my students along a similar path of discovery. Beyond the Busan area, I hope that the ASEAN Culture House, its programs, and training sessions will be known and participated widely throughout Korea and more globally.