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The Ramon Magsaysay Award: the Nobel Prize of Asia


The Ramon Magsaysay Award: the Nobel Prize of Asia

By _ Kim Si-eun, CEO of ASEAN Lab



Just as the Nobel Prize awards individualswho have made outstanding contributions inthe fields of Physics, Chemistry, Physiologyor Medicine, Literature, and Peace, so too arethere awards in Asia that honor significantachievements. One of them is the RamonMagsaysay Award, which was established tocommemorate Ramon Magsaysay, the formerpresident of the Philippines. The MagsaysayAward honors the achievements of those whohave served the people of Asia regardless of race,gender, or religion.

In honor of his achievements, the RamonMagsaysay Award Foundation (RMAF) wasd with the investment of the RockefellerFoundation. The award ceremony, which wasfirst held in 1958, announces awardees every yearon August 31, the birthday of former PresidentMagsaysay. The 2022 Ramon Magsaysay AwardsFestival has recently concluded, marking its 65thyear of accolades. This year, the Foundationhonored winners Gary Bencheghib (France,for his work in Indonesia), Sotheara Chhim(Cambodia), Tadashi Hattori (Japan), andBernadette Madrid (Philippines).