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Lecture & Exhibition

ASEAN Information Center’s Winter Special Program “The ASEAN Project”

On February 3, 4, and 24, 2018, “The ASEAN Project (ASEAN and Korea Become World-Friends and Hug Each Other)”, a special winter program of the ASEAN Information Center will be held at the ASEAN Culture House. This program will provide participants with a great opportunity to better understand Korean and ASEAN culture through diverse and special cultural experiences and books.


· Date:2018.2.3~4., 2.24.(Further details below / Subject to change)

· Venue: Seminar Room (2nd floor), ACH

· Registration Period:From January 25; first-come, first-served basis (Applications may be closed should we reach capacity.)

· How to Apply:Visit the ACH Homepage (www.ach.or.kr)

· Inquiry:Management and Planning Department 051-775-2044


New Exhibits added to Permanent Exhibition Gallery / 
“Celebrating the Beauty of Marriage” exhibition comes to Seoul
New exhibits are being added to the Permanent Exhibition Gallery on the second floor of the ASEAN Cultural House. Among the additions are instruments from the Philippines, such as kulibao , tongali, and paldong , along with a bronze Vietnamese DongSon drum and a traditional boat of the Dayak, the native people of Borneo. On February 7th, an opening ceremony will be held at the KF Gallery in Seoul, which will host the special exhibition “Celebrating the Beauty of Marriage” that was on display at the ASEAN Cultural House last year.


Celebrating the Beauty of Marriage

· Date:2018.2.7.~3.22

· Venue: KF Gallery in Seoul

· Inquiry:KF Global Center 02-2151-6520